Transfer LEI / Change Account Administrator

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A transfer of LEI to NordLEI is always free of charge. An LEI managed by an LOU other than NordLEI first needs to be transferred to your user account.

What is a transfer of LEI code?

The annual renewal of your LEI requires your active participation by logging into the NordLEI portal to confirm that you still want to keep the LEI maintained. You are requested to update and confirm information about your company/legal entity in case anything has changed, e.g. address updates, changed company name etc.

An LEI is considered 'active' (or 'renewed') 12 months from issuance or 12 months from the most recent annual renewal. An active LEI is a regulatory requirement under the EU directives EMIR and MiFID II and is related to the legal transaction reporting undertaken by banks on behalf of their clients.

Largest LEI provider
in Scandinavia

LEI codes issued

Satisfied customers since 2014

Frequently Asked Questions about transfer LEI code

If your LEI is currently registered with another service provider you can easily transfer it to NordLEI free of charge.

An LEI already being administered by another NordLEI user account can also be transferred free of charge with the consent of the current account owner. Please contact

A transfer can take up to 7 business days but is usually faster. The current LOU, Local Operating Unit, needs to approve the transfer and they will contact you.

An LEI already registered in the NordLEI portal can be transferred to another user account within 24 hours.

All LEIs and the corresponding reference data are public information at GLEIF (the official global database for LEI data).

Please visit

Initiate a transfer of an existing LEI from its current service provider to NordLEI under the main menu item 'Transfer Existing LEI' or contact us at

Your existing LEI will be transferred without any changes to its structure or content.

Once the LEI is transferred to NordLEI, you will be reminded to renew your LEI.