Registration Agent

A Registration Agent serves as a critical intermediary in the Global LEI System, aiding legal entities in obtaining, renewing, or transferring Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). By partnering with LEI issuing organizations, Registration Agents ensure streamlined access to LEI services for their clients. This role is vital for fostering global LEI adoption, with over 100 Registration Agents operating worldwide.

Key Responsibilities and Framework

Core Role:

  • Registration Agents are not LEI issuers but facilitate the process in partnership with LEI issuing organizations.
  • Registration Agents must transparently communicate their role and the specifics of their partnerships on websites and marketing materials.

Operational Standards:

  • Adhere to the Registration Agents Governance Framework, which outlines operational guidelines to maintain the Global LEI System's integrity.
  • Regular compliance checks are conducted by partner LEI issuers.
  • Registration Agents must ensure ethical practices and avoid conflicts with the LEI issuer's branding or trademarks.

Governance and Oversight:

  • Registration Agents are governed by Appendix 6 and Appendix 14 of the Master Agreement, detailing their duties and relationship with LEI issuers.
  • Non-compliance can result in formal complaints and possible termination of the partnership.

Why Choose NordLEI?

As a former Registration Agent and now an accredited Local Operating Unit (LOU), NordLEI offers unparalleled expertise and insights into the intricacies of LEI management. This evolution reflects our commitment to delivering high-quality services and aligning with the highest standards of governance.

To explore becoming a Registration Agent, refer to the Registration Agents Governance Framework for comprehensive guidelines. Click here.

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